We all have patterns of thoughts, behaviors and emotions that keep us trapped. Some of us may be stuck in a downward spiral of depression, anxiety or mood disturbance. Others create walls to keeps themselves safe, but that ultimately shut out those they care about or leave them feeling distant from themselves. Many of us find ourselves trapped on a hamster wheel where it feels challenging to slow down and look around and almost impossible to get off. Still others find themselves recreating familiar, unfulfilling dynamics with loved ones or at work.
It’s my job to help you gain insight about the patterns keeping you stuck. We’ll work together to understand these dynamics, set goals for how you’d like to change and enable you to experience more freedom.

My Approach
My model of therapy recognizes how hard it can be to create lasting change; specifically, most people are conflicted about changing. As this process gets underway, you will gain awareness about how your patterns have both benefited and hindered you. We’ll also work to understand how your unique experience of life has developed and shifted over time. Some goals of individual therapy may include: removing unwanted symptoms, decreasing depression/anxiety/moodiness, increasing self-esteem, finding more fulfilling relationships and/or work, increasing your sense of well-being and creating a more balanced life.